Independent Living Programme

INDEPENDENT Living Programme

TheIndependent Living Programme at SFT offers an inclusive habitat forthe persons with ID and theirfamilies. The programmeis one of its kind wherethe young people are being trained in skillsrequired to lead productive,meaningful and happy lives like adults.

The core vision of Shaurya Foundation Trust is at variance with the conventional thought process associated with PWDs. It is driven by a strong belief in the intrinsic ability of every person with a disability and further strives to unleash their true potential. When this mindset is translated into action, we are oriented towards long-termsolutions, investingin sustainable answers to thechallenges, in an environment of inclusiveness of all involved. The Independent Living Programme is designed as a three-year graduation programme, extendable to 5 years in special cases, that prepares the persons with disability to face life independently on three levels, namely,

Mastering Myself, Mastering My Profession, and Mastering My Transition. In thefirst yearthe attention is on “Mastering Myself”, wherethe skill trainingis focused on SelfHelp Life Skills, Vocational, Emotional Management and

Group Living Skills. In the second year the emphasis is on “Mastering My Profession”, where the focus shifts to Vocational Skills, Work Skills and Community Living. In the third year the concentration is on “Mastering My Transition”, where the focus is finally on Job Skills, Job Internships, Transition back home, and Independent Living.


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Vocational Skills

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Practical Life Skills

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Therapeutic Interventions

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Self management skills

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Emotional Management

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Community Living Skills

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Leisure skills

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