Packaging Panthers


Packaging Panthers

Packaging panthers is the packaging unit by sft, the unit stands as a testament of the success of assisted employment model for packaging and marking.

The aim of Shaurya Foundation Trust has always been to create an Assisted Employment Model for neurodiverse young adults. Packaging Panthers facilitates in creating meaningful employment and financial empowerment for our young adults.Which furtherresonateswith ourideology of generating skilling and building entrepreneurship.

Itis an initiative to make newbeginning in the area of employmentfor neurodiverse young adults. The idea isto break the stereotype where the society consider them as liabilities, whereas there are infinite possibilities to channelise their skills. The projects has embarked upon the journey of providing assisted employment to our young adults. This is indeed an incredible breakthrough in the field of assisted employment and we are delighted to have pioneered this in partnership with Anandkand Paramount Pvt Ltd, underthe mentorship of Nippon Paints & Nai Subah. facilitated by Mrs NeenaWagh
With this project we aim to usherin a world of endless possibilities for neurodiverse young adults. Wherein initially 12 studentswill be employed and gradually reach the strength of 24 studentswithin the time span of3 years.